Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tues Night Woodstocks M13 Draft 9/18/12

Another Tuesday, another draft at Woodstock's.
Except we didn't do it last week.
Except we drafted at Mythic the week before that.
But last night was at the Wood. And what a night it was...

Nearing the end of the M13 draft season, it was hard to get the standard 8 players.
Ryan wanted to play, but had to leave around 9. Sean K. wanted to play, but couldn't get there until 6:30. And everyone was waiting on Top.

But play we did - it was Ian, Paul, Boland, Sean, Shawn, Greg, Top and me.
My first pick was Silklash Spider. Feeling the green love. Then Timber Wolf and Elvis (Elvish Visionary).
But will I be mono? Got a Tome and Archmancer. Then some spiders (Sentinel & Recluse). A Divination and Scroll Thief later made me start thinking UG. Pack 2 had another Wolf and Rancor. Pack 3 had another Wolf and Rancor. What?? Ah geez. Sweet green beats! A lot of blue was going around. Tricks of the Trade, Wind Drake and a Kitesail rounded out the goodness. In the build, I went back and forth with Fungal Sprouting. I could be pumping my dudes with the Rancors and the green ring I pulled too. Okay, let's try it.

Round one: Ian's RW deck.
He played small dudes and I played big one. Got him game one on the back of a Rancor. Game 2 we beat back and forth but when I was down to 11 life, he Trumpet Blasted his 4 guys into lethal damage. Ouch! In game 3, I was more defensive and eventually got there with a Rancored, Kitesailed Forecemage.

Round two: Boland's UW flyers.
My Recluse kept his flyers at bay until my other green dudes got in with Rancor. That card is so unfair.
Game 2 it was the Silklash's turn to shoot flyers out of the sky, but his Sphinx had a big ol' butt. And I forgot he returned a Show of Valor from his graveyard with the Archmancer and played it again to save one. But I shot it the next turn.

Round three finals: Greg's BW token deck.
I write token since he had double Captain's Call and the Crusader, which got hella big.
We each won a game and were stalled in game three which seemed forever. Then I played Tricks and double Rancor on my Scroll Thief to do damage and drew cards. But it was pointed out that I should have played them on the Forcemage, who's one more point of power would have won the game a turn earlier.

3-0! First time in forever! First pick planeswalker! Nothing of note after that, tho...

Wins: Liliana, Staff of Nin, Sands of Delirium & Phyactery Lich.

All my opponents - they played with wit and charm
Silklash & Rancors - like I didn't know they were good
The Giants - the Magic Number is getting smaller every game
Woodstock coupons - $5 off a XL and free cinnabread (urp)

Trumpet Blast out of nowhere (well, it should be expected in RW weinie decks)
Waiting until 6:30 to start the draft - but it's usually earlier than that

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